Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Deploy SharePoint 2010 master page using a module

So this post may or may not be a bit overdue, but deploying various files with a module makes life for us as developers pretty simple. In this post I will detail the steps to deploy your custom developed SharePoint 2010 master page into the master page gallery.

So the first step is to create a new module in Visual Studio

By default the following files below are you created for you when a module is created, you can go ahead and delete the "Sample.txt" file as we will add our master page shortly.

You can down download a fantastic starter master create by Randy Drisgill from the following link.

Once you have downloaded the master page, add the master into the module.

Now once the master page has been added - open the "Elements.xml" file and add replace with the following:

And it is as simple as that - you can now deploy your custom built master page into the master page gallery with ease. I hope that this post has helped you. 

Happy Branding :-)